My Ratings system

Below is the rating system that I follow (modeled on Goodreads rating system)-

5 stars – It’s an amazing book. I will definitely reread it and recommend it (to anyone :p).

4 starsI really liked the book. I will recommend it to the target audience for that book.

3 starsI enjoyed reading it. It was okay, meaning it was a good book but not remarkable. I will recommend it to the target audience for that book.

2 stars – I finished the book, but I disliked it for a number of reasons such as too many grammatical errors, bad plot, one-dimensional characters etc.

1 star – I gave up after reading 50 pages or so.

With time, I have matured enough to understand what books work for me, so I don’t generally pick up books that I will rate low. Hence, you will rarely find books that have a 1-star or 2-star rating in my blog .